
A few words from Matthew

Hello, my name is Matthew Smith and I am currently Tyne Consort’s resident viola player (and occasional violinist). From time to time I will use this space to write a few words (500, to be precise – you can count them if you like) on what we are doing at the moment, and my thoughts on some of the music that we play. The 500 words will be entirely my own view; I profess no expertise, and it might be that my fellow members of the ensemble use this space to cordially disagree with me and put forward their own opinions. Such variety of opinion would, I hope, be reflective of an ensemble whose members each bring different qualities to it, to the benefit of the whole. However my main hope is that you enjoy reading these occasional posts as much as I enjoy writing them. If having done so you feel like exploring the rest of the site, then so much the better.