
Close House, Newcastle

In September we had the pleasure of performing at Close House Hotel, Newcastle. We were greeted by a beautiful estate and fantastic weather and enjoyed performing some of our newest arrangements made especially for the occasion. As musicians we are too busy making music to explore such grand buildings as Close House, however, as with most estates of this size, its history is fascinating, and dates back almost 800 years to the thirteenth century.

Newcastle Close House


Michael Festing Concertos

On the 18th of February 2010 Tyne Consort will be part of a concert of Baroque repertoire at St. Paul’s Church, Jarrow.

Tyne Consort will be joined by South Tyneside Senior String Orchestra to perform two of twelve recently published concertos by Michael Christian Festing. The concert will begin at 7.15pm.

Tickets £5. Can be bought on the night, or reserved by emailing your name and ticket requirements to


Masterclass with Louise Miliband

Tyne Consort were priviledged to have a masterclass given by Louise Miliband of the London Symphony Orchestra on the 23rd and 24th of July. The two day course was mainly spent on the Beethoven String Quartet No. 15, which we have worked on since January.

The aim of the masterclass was to gain fresh ideas on our interpretation of the work, getting ever closer to a performace of it later this year.